Enemy at the Gates

“For barbarism is always around civilization, amid it and beneath it, ready to engulf it by arms, or mass migration, or unchecked fertility. Barbarism is like the jungle; it never admits defeat; it waits patiently for centuries to recover the territory it has lost.”– Will Durant The Indian civilization may be said to be the only one of its ancient […]

Their Land, Their People, Their Blood…

The post-World War 2 world order is in a state of upheaval. The catalyst and index for the same could be said to be the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine and a war being fought therein. This blog post is not about that war but how India may soon find itself in a much similar scenario. The current conflict in […]

Full Spectrum, A Book Review

A book review of FULL SPECTRUM by Arjun Subraminam. Rating: 7.9/10 Full Spectrum by Arjun Subramaniam is the chronological and spiritual successor to his book India’s Wars, A Military History 1947-1971. The book covers the sub-conventional military conflicts spanning the full spectrum that India has been embroiled in since her independence in 1947, but mainly focuses on the period after […]