Capturing Bagram, A Mission Design for the ages

Recently Bagram airfield was in the news once again. “What?”, would be the reaction of most people reading this. Bagram is a small city located near the capital Kabul, in Afghanistan. An airfield here was constructed sometime during the Cold War, I am not sure about the dates because this is not a pontificating blog post on geo-strategic issues and […]

Full Spectrum, A Book Review

A book review of FULL SPECTRUM by Arjun Subraminam. Rating: 7.9/10 Full Spectrum by Arjun Subramaniam is the chronological and spiritual successor to his book India’s Wars, A Military History 1947-1971. The book covers the sub-conventional military conflicts spanning the full spectrum that India has been embroiled in since her independence in 1947, but mainly focuses on the period after […]